All Claymore In Clare's Generation
Claymore rank is based on strength and ability. They can obtain higher ranks as they become stronger, but when surpassed by others, their rank is lowered. Here is the list of Claymore on Clare's generation: Alicia Rank :1 Technique(s) : Soul Link Alicia was Claymore No. 1 of both Clare's and Clarice's generation. Her identical twin sister, Beth, was No. 2. Alicia was a new type of Claymore, and wore a special black uniform, earning her the nickname "Alicia the Black". She and Beth together were known as "The Black Ones," and were the first successful attempt at a controlled Awakened Being via "Soul Link." According to her handlers, she was The Organization's most pride worthy and powerful product. It is later claimed that Alicia would be the strongest claymore in history since she and her twin had undergone training at a very young age with the sole purpose of being used to combat the Abyssal Ones. Beth Rank :2 Technique(s) : Soul Link Be...