
Welcome to Anime Library, your number one source for all things related to the anime database. We dedicate to giving you the very best of experience, with a focus on lore, features, and in depth information. 

The blog is initially created to document our memories and accurate information regarding anime that has been watched. This is meant to prevent hoax or speculations which are found everywhere on the internet. In addition, we find it best to put those on the blog instead of writing on personal note in order to share and get in touch easily with anime fans. 

The details on every piece of information here are sourced from the anime itself and the wikia which is the best site but contains long and elaborate articles. We then simplify the words so that it will be enjoyable for you to read. Due to several changes on anime wikia, some information are omitted regularly. Luckily, those have been recorded and presented on this blog, which for some people are bit confusing because of the discrepancy. 

We hope you enjoy the articles as much as we enjoys offering them to you. If you have any questions or comments, please don't hesitate to contact us.

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