God Warriors In Saint Seiya Soul Of Gold

Andreas Lise
The new representative of Odin in Asgard, and the central antagonist of the series. Appearing as a nice and gentle man to the villagers, he truly wish to dominate Asgard with the God Warriors, having regrown the forbidden tree Yggdrasil which drains the Cosmo of everyone and increases the God Warriors powers. Initially, Andreas is kind, gentle and caring, however, when he was possessed by Loki, Andreas was gradually changing, to be completely the opposite his own nature cruel, coldness and evil.

Gullinbursti Frodi 
Frodi is a loyal warrior of Asgard that just wants to see his home in peace, however sometimes he may be arrogant because of his honor and strength. He is part of a family that defends Asgard for ages as the sword of light that destroys the incoming threats, mirroring Utgardr´s family that is the shield of darkness that protects Asgard. His techniques are Wildschwein and Wildschwein Strahl.
  • Sieg-Schwert: The sword has a handle that can desconect from the blade. Its blade is controlled by Frodi's own will making it fly around and easily cut down the opponents.

Nidhoggr Fafner
One of the seven new God Warriors introduced in the series, and the second God Warrior to reveal himself. Considered the most vicious and cruel God Warrior, Fafner is willingly using anything or anyone to use in his experimentations, even humans. He is the one who made the new Odin sapphires. His technique is Dragonewt Bullet.
  • Ridill: Its original form is a tail linked to the Nidhogg god robe that can be released and turned into a type of spear with two blades, one of the blades is pointy and the other is better for side slashes.

Tanngrisnir Heracles
Heracles is an confident warrior that bases himself on his brute strength and phisycal power that is the greatest within the new God warriors. However this confidence of his proves to be a great disadvantage since he is easily overwelmed in situations he could find another way to get out of. His techniques are Ruota Falce and Ruota Tornado.
  • Mjollnir: The weapon is a long green type of spear with a longer blade in one of the sides and a more pointy blade at the other.

Eikpyrnir Surtr
Surtr is an master of strategies rivaling the last genius of Asgard, Alberich. He was good friends with Aquarius Camus when they were younger. One day when Camus was training, he accidently triggered an avalanche that killed Surt's sister. As a result of this, Camus pledged his resurrected life to assisting Surtr. His techniques are Flame Deer Maelstrom and Hatred Blue Flame.
  • Laevateinn: The weapon is a red sword that ignites fire at its top. The fire also gets stronger and blue at Surt´s will enabling him to use the Hatred Blue Flame.

Grani Sigmund
Prior to the beginning of the Asgard Arc Sigmund found and saw Polaris Hilda change due to the ring put on her. However, he was put in prison and was unable to get out until after the battle between the Saints and learned of his younger brother's Dubhe Alpha Siegfried death. This caused him to gain a hatred for the Olympian Gods as he knew that the battle was caused by them. His techniques are Paard Orkan and Paard Brew.
  • Gram: The weapon is a sword with a blue tainted curved handle with a serrated blade that has a diamond shape at its top. The blade is elastic and has serrated sections that stretch.

Hraesvelgr Baldr
Baldr is a calm and inteligent man who even Andreas consults in dificult situations due to his knowledge. However he can get pretty agry when he is insulted. Baldr berserked over that situation which lead to his downfall. He also has no mercy before his opponents and has been fighting in asgard's colosseum since he was a child. His techniques are Yr and Ansuz.
  • Tyrfing: The weapon is a blue and gold sword with a handle that kinda resembles a hawk. When Baldr uses his Ansur the sword releases an imense beam of light from its blade.

Garmr Utgardar
Utgardr is a pretty quiet person,he never says a word during the god warriors' reunions and never socializes. That may be for Utgardr to never give any hint about his true mission. Nobody knew about his past until he fought Frodi and the truth was revealed. Utgardr is from a family that acts as the shield of darkness that protects asgard, mirroring Frodi's family that is the sword of light that protects asgard against the incoming threats. Gis technique is Hallucination Wolf.
  • Dainsleif: The sword has a purple handle with a curved red blade. This sword is said to never miss an attack. When an slash is liberated by the sword and misses,the slash will track down the opponent until it hits.


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