Seven Evil Knights In B't X

The Seven Evil Knights are private assassins working for Misha. They have earned a reputation in the Machine Empire for being formidable in battle. It is also presumed that they are as powerful as the Spirit Generals.

Misslim is the strongest member of the Seven Evil Knights, a league of assassins working for Misha. He is the donor of the B't La Lainya. He has somewhat peculiar features, suggesting he is not entirely human, because of his pale green skin, green hair, red eyes, and blue blood. Misslim is a formidable foe, as his strategy rely on immobilizing the enemy before delivering a final blow. Most of his attacks, including his B't, are connected to the serpent.
  • Cyber Whip: entangles the enemy with several snakes that shoot out from his fingers. Each snake can cause the enemy to wither slowly after being bitten. Also each snake head on Cyber Whip regenerates immediately if it gets destroyed
  • Hyper Whip: is the version of the Cyber Whip enhanced by Misslim's blood

La Lainya 
La Lainya is the B't of Misslim, one of the Seven Evil Knights. La Lainya's design is based on the creature Hydra of Lerna in mythology, a water monster with 9 snake heads. It can regenerate his any of its head that gets destroyed. Additionally, La Lainya's armor is hard enough to render a normal attack useless.
  • Withering Breath: squirts a mysterious liquid at the enemy that causes them to wither and quickly be reduced to ashes.

Quattro is one of the Seven Evil Knights and a childhood friend of Fou Lafine. He was a religious and kind boy, but he changed after losing his sister and now his faith is directed toward the mechanical emperor. He hates Fou and blame him for the death of his sister. He wields a scythe-spear hybrid called Spectra Metal and uses it to channel electricity coming from his cyborg arm.
  • Spectra Metal: a scythe-spear that can emits high voltage of electricity and slice its target into pieces
  • Thunder Arm: is Quattro's metal left arm which replaced the one damaged by the bomb. It enables him to emit electricity

Lorezzo is the B't of Quattro, one of the Seven Evil Knights. Lorezzo's design is inspired by the mythical creature griffin. It is an agile mover. He can also shoot out fire blasts from his eyes.
  • Aero Zap Zone: With its wings, it creates a vacuum zone with zero air pressure
  • Thunder Ball: A lump of electricity is spit out from it's mouth

Meimu is one of the Seven Evil Knights. He is the donor of the B't Halloween. He weilds a bow during battle, utilizing specialized arrows that affect the brain nerves of its victims.
  • Maya der mögliche: are arrows that aside from causing physical injury, also shocks the nerves of the brain, triggering the target's fears to surface as daydreams.
  • Final der mögliche: allows Meimu to enter a person's REM state to injure them physically by controlling their brain signals. The target is trapped inside a dream realm created by Halloween, reflecting the targets inner thoughts.

Halloween is the B't of Meimu. Halloween's design is based on the supernatural being in Japanese mythology known as Baku.
  • Der Richtungspfeil: shoots out strong beams of light that penetrate through the enemy.
  • Dark Inferno: generates dark spheres from both eyes and sucks enemies into the different dimensional world

Gai is one of the seven demon generals and the donor to the B't Shendu. He is a philosopher and a scientist specializing in Eternal matter. Due to his strict quest for the truth and unwavering loyalty, Gai and Shendu eventually became one of the seven Demon Generals, under the direct command of the Machine Emperor's representative, Misha.
  • Infinity Slash Mugen no Zanken: By using his control over the eternal matter, Gai is able to create physical clones of himself. All of the clones share his equipment, his sword and his B't Shendu. Together, they all charge and strike at their opponent with their swords. With the large quantity of clones, the strike would seems as an endless sword slash.

Shendu is the B't of Gai, one of the seven demon generals. Like his donor, Shendu's body is made of Eternal matter. Shendu was built by the Machine Empire from instructions made by The Machine Emperor. His donor was chosen to be the Philosopher and Netutrino Scientist Gai. Gai was researching how to achieve an immortal body, and after Shendu was turned online, both of their bodies' compositions were remade into dark matter neutrinos.

Salome is one of seven evil knights and the donor of the B't Halcyon. She can control the minds and actions of others when they hear a music that she performs. She is one of the machine empire’s dogs because she lost faith in humanity. Salome is also a member of 7 Evil Knights who appears in manga only.
  • Studied Silence: a music box that emits a special sound wave and manipulate the others show a hallucination

Halcyon is the B't of Salome. Halcyon's design is based on unicorn. This B't has the same name as the wild foal that Salome once loved. She is very loyal to Salome and does not allow others to touch her. She has the healing power by using her horn.

Sapphire is one of seven evil knights and the donor of the B't Eroica. He is obsessed with beauty and has a cybernetic body made of precious stones. He adores gems and uses Eroica's abilities to turn people into crystals. He is a member of the 7 Evil Knights who appears in manga only.
  • Excellent Cleaver: Sapphire's weapon in form of a Fan
  • Paralyze Kiss: A kiss that paralyzes the opponent

Eroica is the B't of Sapphire. Eroica's design is based on Basilisk.
  • Deskeen Jewel: spitting a mysterious ray from its mouth that turns an object into a jewel
  • Air Jail: A cage that crystallizes a specific range of atmosphere

Dr. Poe 
Dr. Poe is one of seven evil knights and the donor of the B't Cadenza. He was Hokuto's rival in the academy and is one of the 7 Evil Knights who appears in manga only.

A special B'T based on the chimera who has three heads in one body. Cadenza has the heads of Wyvern (Dragon), Power's Leon (Lion), and Spirit's Goat (Goat) with different attack and abilities. As powerful B'Ts with high wisdom and offensive power, they hunt down Hokuto and Max, but they are defeated.
  • Cosmic Cube (Wyvern): captures the opponent in a Rubik's cube- shaped box and flies it to another dimension .
  • Flying Rock (Leon): spits out flame bullets from his mouth
  • Hacking (Goat): ability to hack into any computer and spread computer viruses.


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