Machine Empire High Ranks In B't X

The Machine Emperor 
The Machine Emperor is the founder and leader of the Machine Empire. He is responsible for the design of all B't creations, including Raphael. He has existed for more than 300 years. Although his body has decayed over time, he survives in the form of a brain only within a satellite 1,000 km above the main tower of the Machine Empire. He was waiting for the B'T Raphael to become his perfect body by connecting it as a life support system in a satellite in outer space.

Raphael is the ultimate B't created by The Machine Empire. Unlike the creation of other B't where robots are created from blueprints, Raphael was sent by The Machine Emperor with the order to feed it many types of creatures. Raphael has no fixed form and eats up all creatures and grows strangely. Unlike other B'Ts, it just continues to prey and destroy and grows huge. Raphael true identity is the Machine Emperor B'T who has a special guard system such as hallucinations that afflict people and time zone. Also its power is stronger than an atomic bomb.

A boy who acts as a representative of Machine emperor. Since he takes command on behalf of the invisible emperor, he is virtually the supreme authority of the empire. He has a strong psychokinesis power. Although he looks young, he has been alive since the Renaissance and became the emperor's subordinate because the Emperor had his sister's illness cured.

Misha's twin sister, who is also the emperor's representative as her brother. But her brother is actually in control and she does not give orders openly. She is weak and always keeps her eyes closed. She rarely wakes up but she seems to be aware of the situation. She also seems to have some psychic powers like her brother.

Zeta & Theta 
These B't look like leopards with wings and unknown gender. B'T with the golden body is Zeta whose donor is Misha and the silver body is Theta whose donor is Nasha. These twin B't can move with just one command and they always act in the same way. The data of the four spirit generals and their B't has been stored and most of the abilities can be used by these two. They can also be united into one B't.

Juggler the Clown 
Juggler is an emissary and assassin working for Misha. He is the donor of the B't Vanilla Fudge. His weapon is a wand with a heart-shaped tip. He also did the cruel work of beating and killing the loser. His Special Move is called Lovely Marionette.
  • Lovely Marionette: Pulling out countless threads from his wand to restrain the enemy, rotate the opponent's head at high speed, and twist the neck.

Vanilla Fudge 
Vanilla Fidge is a B't of Juggler. It is a jet-black B'T and was made based on the form of a gargoyle. Like his donor, it has a clown-like tone and a unique laughter. At the end, he and his donor whereabouts are unknown.

Major Aramis 
Aramis is a high-ranking commander who works for The Machine Empire under the Emperor. Although he was a straightforward soldier who believed in the ideals of the empire, he began to doubt Misha and the emperor who refused to take measures even after Raphael continued to attack humans in the empire. He actually disguised herself as a man and was later revealed that she was the legendary warrior who never lost a battle before the time of the Four Knights, the Rose Knight. She defeated Juggler with her deadly sword "Rose Spread".

Rosemary is Aramis B't in form of a large insect that can accommodate several people in its head cockpit. Its Special Move is the powerful poisonous gas attack "Florian Flag" that invites death with a sweet scent, killing 10,000 scientists attending the World Expo in a blink of an eye. This B't also carries a small bomb inside its body.


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