Villains In The Powerpuff Girls

Mojo Jojo 
Mojo Jojo is a mad scientist anthropomorphic chimpanzee with great intelligence. As the main antagonist of the series and the Powerpuff Girls' archenemy, Mojo Jojo was Professor Utonium's reckless laboratory chimpanzee, Jojo, before Professor Utonium created the Powerpuff Girls. The same accident that created the Girls gave Jojo his super-intelligence. He has green skin, pink scleras, and wears a white glass dome-shaped helmet that covers his oversized, protruding brain. He wears white gloves and boots, a blue suit with a white belt, and a flowing purple cape. Despite his high intelligence, his plans often contain flaws that he overlooks, and he rarely has much success against the Girls, as their superpowers are too much for his inventions. However, he is a master at manipulation and trickery, often fooling the Girls into thinking he has changed despite their constant encounters. Mojo lives in an observatory atop a dormant volcano located in the middle of Townsville's municipal park.

HIM is a mysterious, sinister, androgynous, and supernatural demon. His physical appearance is an amalgamation of sorts with lobster-like claws, red/orange skin, pointed ears, a hooked nose, yellow/green eyes, a long curled beard, wearing makeup, a woman's red jacket and skirt, and black stiletto heel boots. His voice ranges from a high-pitched falsetto to a deep, booming basso profondo. HIM's plans are usually psychological in nature, and often consist of manipulating events to either drive the Powerpuff Girls insane or drive wedges between them. HIM possesses various supernatural and demonic abilities such as shapeshifting, mind manipulation, reality warping, various kinds of energy manipulation, and more.

Fuzzy Lumpkins 
Fuzzy Lumpkins is a pink Bigfoot-like hillbilly monster with a wide jaw, a green nose, two antennas on his head, big blue overalls, and brown boots, who commonly plays a banjo which he calls Jo. He speaks in a southern accent, and lives in the woods next to Townsville. Fuzzy has a limited intellectual capacity, and is not nearly so active and ambitious as most of the villains in the series. He usually limits himself to shooting anyone whom he finds trespassing on his property, though also prone to destructive fits of rage. When angry, Fuzzy turns dark red, grows claws, and his teeth become sharp fangs. Fuzzy belongs to a race of Lumpkins. He has three siblings (Furry, Fluffy, and Hairy), three nephews (Buzzy, Wuzzy, and Scuzzy), and several dozen cousins who closely resemble him.

Princess Morbucks 
Princess Morbucks is a spoiled, rich, and bratty little girl, whose partially unseen and mostly mute father allows her to finance various evil plots to destroy the Powerpuff Girls. Her supervillain outfit consists of a yellow, Powerpuff-style dress, black gloves and boots, and a tiara. Her hatred of the girls stems from her rebuffed attempt to become one of them. Her father is Daddy Morbucks, a large, rotund man whose face and head are always hidden from the viewer. He dotes on his daughter and usually indulges in her whims, but it is hinted that his patience is limited and Princess fears truly angering him. Thanks to him, Morbucks has access to virtually unlimited financial resources.

The Gangreen Gang 
The Gangreen Gang are a gang of five teenage hoodlums and punks who are green-skinned and unhealthy-looking. Not possessing any powers or exceptional abilities, the Gang is normally not too much of a threat to the girls, but have shown themselves to be very dangerous when motivated. They also delight in tormenting those weaker than themselves, especially children and the elderly. The Gangreen Gang lives in an old shack located in Townsville's junkyard.
  • Ace: A mean-spirited and opportunistic rogue with a slick-back hairdo, a colored vest-jacket, a peach-fuzz mustache, a pair of shades, and also has fangs. As the Gang's leader and their smartest member, he is the instigator of most of their antisocial activities, and he does possess a certain charismatic charm that allows him to sweet-talk people who ought to know better. He speaks in a nasally Italian/New Yorker accent. His full name is Ace D. Copular.
  • Snake: A slippery character with a forked tongue, skinny body, and a hissing voice, Snake is the Gang's second-in-command, but this mostly makes him a yes-man to Ace. He does have a personality of his own, but it is usually silenced due to Ace punching him when he speaks out of line or asks a foolish question. It is revealed that his real name is Sanford D. Ingleberry.
  • Lil' Arturo: A malevolent Mexican midget boy, Lil' Arturo seems to take the most amusement from the Gang's activities. He carries around a switchblade-styled comb he calls Maria, a treasured gift from his incarcerated father. He has a rather prominent underbite. His full name is Arturo de la Guerra, which is Spanish for "Arthur from the War". His small size allows him to sneak through cramped spaces and passages that the rest of the gang cannot reach.
  • Grubber: A barefoot hunchback with untidy hair, grubby clothes, and protruding eyes. He also appears to be mostly mute, communicating instead through blowing a raspberry. He does, however, occasionally demonstrate unexpected talents, such as playing the violin, speaking eloquently or performing impersonations. When attending the girls' school for a short time, Grubber showed that he was able to horribly contort his body, making him briefly resemble a well-spoken and handsome-looking young man before snapping back to his normal self. His full name is Grubber J. Gribberish.
  • Big Billy: A hulking, dimwitted colossus who acts as the Gang's muscle. Though he does at times display a childlike innocence, he mostly just does the bidding of his more savvy and vindictive friends. It is revealed that his real name is William W. Williams and that he is a cyclops, with his single eye hidden beneath his shaggy red hair. Although he rarely fares any better in combat against the girls than the rest of the gang, he has the muscular power to stop a speeding train from running down citizens from the track and tackle monsters to the ground with his bare hands. He is fiercely loyal to anyone he considers to be a friend, and briefly tried to help the Powerpuff Girls after they saved him from a train. However, his clumsiness and lack of intelligence made him more destructive as a hero than he was as a villain.

The Amoeba Boys 
The Amoeba Boys are a trio of amoebae who are the villains. With their mobster affectations, these aspiring criminals would love nothing more than to be regarded as serious villains worthy of fighting, and even getting beaten up and sent to jail by the Powerpuff Girls. Unfortunately, their brains are too primitive to devise a crime above the level of littering or jaywalking. They are Townsville's least malicious villains, even having a friendship-of-sorts with the girls. They are generally harmless, but their actions have on occasion endangered both the girls and the town by accident.
  • Bossman: The leader and general spokesman of the Amoeba Boys. He wears a gray fedora.
  • Junior: The smallest one of the Amoeba Boys. He wears a black cap and usually repeats whatever Bossman says.
  • Slim: The tallest one of the Amoeba Boys. He wears a brown fedora and is even slower and more incompetent than the other amoebas.

Sedusa is a young, beautiful Gorgon-like mistress of disguise and seductress who uses her feminine wiles to influence men to do her bidding, such as Professor Utonium, the Mayor, and the Gangreen Gang. When her identity is revealed, she typically doffs down to her leotard battle suit and fights with her prehensile hair. Her eyes also change color depending on her mood. When she is acting benevolent her eye color is green, but when she is angry, revealing her true villainous nature, her eyes turn red.

The Rowdyruff Boys 
The Rowdyruff Boys are the evil male clones to the Powerpuff Girls created by Mojo Jojo using a mixture of "snips, snails, and a puppy dog tail" and toilet water in the Townsville Prison. The Rowdyruff Boys are essentially violent bullies who have the same powers as the Powerpuff Girls, with their own techniques as well. They were ultimately destroyed when the girls kissed them. The Boys wear long-sleeved shirts with a black stripe in each, black trousers and black, low-top sneakers with white laces and white soles.
  • Brick: Blossom's equivalent, he is the short-tempered, self-proclaimed leader of the Rowdyruff Boys. He has an abrasive and rash attitude, which often causes conflict with his brothers. He wears a backwards red baseball cap compared to Blossom's bow. He also originally had bangs, which were replaced with long spiky hair when he was revived.
  • Boomer: Bubbles' equivalent, he is a loud-mouthed dunce, as opposed to Bubbles' naïve sweetness, and has been known to like disgusting things. After his resurrection, Boomer is shown to be the least intelligent of the boys and he is often bullied and bossed around by his brothers. Boomer's hair parts in a curved fashion like Bubbles', but is longer and spiky on each end, in a wings haircut.
  • Butch: Buttercup's equivalent. After his resurrection, Butch becomes more hyperactive and overly excited. Butch's hair is spiked upwards, abandoning his previous cowlick from his first appearance. He also shares Buttercup's small triangular hair parting.

Packrat is a scheming, oversized rat from the sewers. He loves stealing shiny things from stores and the people of Townsville, which he sees as gifts for various dolls he views as girlfriends. He broke Bubbles' arm and he stole Octi from Buttercup.

Allegro is a happy party-obsessed, panda-like being who is capable of causing people to go into a stupor of pure happiness. His true form is a smaller blue bear. He is actually one half of an entity called the Cosmic Bear.

Manboy is a short man with super strength and a magical beard and has a tall wood figure that he uses in battle. He is an enemy to the Powerpuff Girls, mainly to Buttercup, because he is incredibly sexist and constantly declares men are superior to women. He is eventually revealed to be a child who gained an adult body when he got his powers.

Jemmica is a thief who presents herself as a treasure-hunting adventurer but had actually stolen artifacts from archeological digs. It is revealed that she is actually ancient evil Jemoire, Queen of the Storms.

Silico is a mysterious supervillain and a major antagonist of The Powerpuff Girls in the 2016 series. He is the owner of Silico Industries and Techo Industries. Silico's mannerisms are commonly robotic and manipulative, only speaking in a monotone voice and showing little emotion. His entire body, save for his glowing green eyes, is an entirely silhouetted figure, therefore showing little detail of his appearance. He has a slender figure, his head seems to be bald, and he appears to wear a long-sleeved shirt with large cufflinks at the end. He also has a genius level intellect when it comes to technology, machinery, or digital electronics.


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