Libra Organization In Blood Blockade Battlefront

Libra is a secret organization within Hellsalem's Lot, dedicated to protecting the balance between Earth and the Alterworld. Libra's members operate both inside and outside the city and are typically blood-technique users or some description of super-human. The full scope of the organisation is unknown and, due to its secretive nature, precise information regarding the organisation is said to be worth billions to the criminal underworld.

Klaus Von Reinherz 
Klaus is the leader of Libra and young head of the noble Reinherz family. He is a large, very powerful man with a distinctive underbite, he is actually very well composed and gentlemanly and honest to a fault, with an unshakable will. Master of the Brain Grid Blood Battle Technique which he can use to create large cross-shaped weaponry and seal away enemies. Klaus is also very intelligent, being able to play a chess-like called Prosfair for a period of ninety-nine hours against a being that has studied the game for thousands of years. His ultimate technique allows him to imprison the Blood Breeds, as they can not be killed due to their immortal nature, but to do so, he must learn the enemy's true name, thus requiring Leo using his powers to reveal it.
  • Knuckle Duster: Klaus uses a unique and distinctive knuckleduster which is strapped to his left arm and usually hidden away until needed in a fight when it drops down with a flick of his arm.
  • Brain Grid Blood Battle Style: Klaus' combat style, allows him to create large, cross-shaped weaponry from his blood to attack, defend and even seal away enemies.
    • Pattern 02 - Schrott-Schweisser: Creates cross-like shuriken that impales the target, dissolving any Blood Breed on contact.
    • Pattern 11 - Wirbelsturm: It creates larger cross-shurikens and is capable of taking down multiple opponents.
    • Pattern 13 - Finger Greed: A series of blows that cause glowing crosses to appear on the target's bodies, burning them from the inside.
    • Pattern 32 - Stechende Blitzattacke: This technique allows Klaus to create a lance mid-air that impales the target as it's taking form.
    • Pattern 39 - Keil Barrikade: Creates several miniature crosses to defend against oncoming attacks whilst pinning the enemy in place.
    • Pattern 74 - Kreuzschild Unzerbrechlich: This technique can summon a cross-like shield. In season 2, it is classified as Pattern 117.
    • Pattern 111 - Kreuzvernichterlanze: A large blood cross used to crush and/or overpower enemies.
    • Pattern 999 - Ewigkeit GefƤngnis: The technique used to seal away Blood Breed Elders by invoking their true name, sealing them in a small crimson crucifix from which there is no escape.
    • Pattern ?? - Debunker Von Kreuz Sarg: It creates a coffin of a giant blood cross and prevents omnidirectional attacks which can not be prevented by shields by entering into it.

Leonardo Watch 
Leo is a kind and humble young photographer who came to Hellsalem's Lot to help his ailing sister. A mysterious entity gave him the "All Seeing Eyes of the Gods", granting him a variety of powerful ocular powers, at the cost of his sister's sight. His eyes have their limits; when overused, they have a tendency to shatter, causing his eyes to bleed. He tends to be bullied by Zapp and his lack of fighting skills usually puts him in danger, especially against those who covet his power.
  • All-Seeing Eyes of the Gods: Leo has heightened visual senses, allowing him to see fast movements normally impossible for human eyes to follow, or minute details with great clarity. Most importantly, his eyes see 'The Truth' of the world. This allows him to see past world altering illusions along with perceiving an individual's unique aura.
    • Plain Eyeballs: Leo induces nauseating hallucinations on his opponents.
    • Vision Transmission: Leo projects what he sees into the minds of others, effectively sharing his sight with them.
    • Vision Shuffle: Leo alters the vision of those around him by shuffling their field of visions.

Zapp Renfro 
A hot-blooded, womanizing Libra member and master of the Big Dipper Blood-Fighting Style's Kagutsuchi branch, which allows him to manipulate his blood into blades and explosions. He is very well trained, being able to keep up with beings much faster than what the human eye can normally follow. His juvenile actions often get him and the rest of Libra into trouble. He is Leonardo's partner and despite his usual attitude, he cares about him in some way. He is always trying to defeat Klaus in a battle but is always the one to lose.
  • Big Dipper Blood Battle Style: Kagutsuchi branch of the Big Dipper Blood Battle Style, which allows him to manipulate his blood into blades or thread, which he can then ignite to burn his opponents alive.
    • Blade Form One, Homuramaru: Zapp emits then solidifies his blood into a sword.
      • Giant Serpent Halberd: While moving at breakneck speed, Zapp slashes the opponent with the sword Homuramaru turning into a whip sword to shred the target with one strike.
    • Blade Form Two, Sky-Slicing Strands: Zapp generates his blood into a web of string that can slice and ensnare opponents.
      • Seventh Hell: The sword transforms into a thread that restrains the target and ignites the target through the thread, resulting in a large explosion.
      • Shining Winding Binding: Zapp uses the Sky-Slicing Strands to create a net that's capable of catching large objects.
    • Blade Form Four, Crimson Bone-Eaten: Zapp emits then solidifies his blood into a large, jagged-edged sword.
    • Blade Form Six, Crimson Piercer
    • Crimson Orb-Weaver: A technique which creates a net made of blood.

Chain Sumeragi 
A suit-clad werewolf with the power of invisibility and collaborator from the Loups-Garous from Nowhere organization. She can move at high speeds and does a large portion of Libra's reconnaissance work. Her personality is sadistic, often causing physical harm to others or showing indifference to those in peril. However, she is shown to be somewhat caring of her teammates at certain points in the series, mostly evidenced towards Leo. Her power is erasing her presence, which needs a link (a chain) to connect her to the world in order to counter the effect of her ability or she will cease to exist.
  • Patient Case:
    • Heart Attack: Chain digs into her opponents chest and squeezes the life out of their physical heart.
    • Existence Dilute: Chain uses her invisibility to the highest degree which seemingly makes her non-existent.

A lively and confident Libra member who sports an eye patch, who can be very impatient at times, but also motherly. She is very devoted to her husband and two young sons and fights with 954 Blood Bullet Arts using high-power guns that electrocute enemies.
  • 954 Blood Bullet Art: Is her fighting style that uses high-power guns that converts her blood to electricity to electrocute enemies.
    • Electrigger 1.25 Gigawatt: K.K. shoots a bullet that seems to enhance its speed and power by electricity.
    • Strafingvolt 2000: K.K. shoots two bullets from a low-rising plane and hits multiple targets through electrocution.
    • Levin Ballet 10000

Steven A. Starphase 
Libra's second-in-command. A shady man with many connections. Master of the Esmerelda Blood Freeze, a kick-based fighting style that freezes enemies on contact. He is a gentleman, like Klaus.
  • Esmeralda Blood Freeze: Steven's ability allows him to decrease the temperature of his blood in order to freeze targets.
    • AviĆ³n del Cero Absoluto: Steven stands firm and freezes the entire ground.
    • Lanza del Cero Absoluto: A long-ranged based attack that Steven either summons or launches spears of ice.
    • Escudo del Cero Absoluto: Steven summons a giant block of ice which he uses as a shield or barrier.
    • Viento del Cero Absoluto: Steven use wind blow and he pulls out the wind-borne particles of blood and freezes the wind-blown enemy.
    • Aguja del Cero Absoluto: Steven uses droplets of blood to form into needle-like objects to pierce into his opponent's skin and freezes them from the inside-out. This technique is particularly subtle and the target may very well not notice Steven's blood entering them until he freezes them, sometimes several hours later.
    • Espada del Cero Absoluto: Steven turns blood into an ice blades and then targets his enemies in a row strike until the enemy is ripped apart by the ice blades. Ice blades thrust into the enemy to knock out a few moments.

Gilbert F. Altstein 
Klaus' butler and member of Libra. His face is covered with bandages, making him appear similar to a mummy. He is known for being a famous combat butler, and has regenerative powers. He drives a custom vehicle with many weapons, and is very fierce despite his even demeanor. Handles most of Libra's intelligence work. He also possesses a rapid rate of regeneration which is only active when he has been inflicted with grave injuries and blows that can cause instant death.
  • Visceral Heavy Industry: Gilbert's car arms itself with different weapons to fight against enemies.
  • Plasma Cutter: Gilbert's car arms itself with a three-eyed laser which can cut through any tough substance.
  • Bethesda Firearms Death Caliber .50: Gilbert's car summons machine gun turrets from the car and shoots to kill its enemies.

Zed O'Brien 
A stern merman with similar powers to Zapp, as they were both taught by the same master. However, Zed's ability is wind-based, unlike Zapp, who is fire-based. Joins Libra after being abandoned by his master in Hellsalem's Lot. Zed is trained to use the Shinatobe branch of the Big Dipper blood-fighting style, which generates Tridents and threads from his blood.
  • Big Dipper Blood Battle Style: Shinatobe branch of the Big Dipper Blood Battle Style, which is different from Zapp's. This allows him to manipulate his blood into tridents (in substitute from swords) or thread which he can then strengthen by channeling wind.
    • Blade Form Five, Piercing Dragon Spear: Unlike the Kagutsuchi, Zed's style creates a trident out of his solidified blood, which he occasionally tosses at an opponent with great force to attack from a distance.
    • Blade Form Two, Sky-Slicing Strands: After creating the Piercing Dragon Spear, Zed tosses it to a desired location then converts the trident into a web of string that ensnares the opponent
    • Heavenly Winged Bellows: Zed creates a powerful whirlwind from his blood to further enhance his attacks and shred his opponents. This can also be used to further enhance the "Seventh Hell" technique.
    • Wind Knitting: Zed creates a 3 small vortexes within themselves to capture or release his enemies.
    • Crimson Orb-Weaver: A technique which the user creates a net made of blood.
    • Reverse Fish Bowl: Zed uses strands of his blood in order to suspend an orb of water over his head in order to breathe in case that his headphones are broken or stolen.

Deldro Brody & Dog Hummer 
Two men in one body. Dog Hummer is a handsome man who had his blood replaced with the liquefied body of the serial killer and "bad boy" Deldro Brody. Brody can materialize as a gigantic living armor that surrounds Hummer called Exocrimson, granting him immense physical strength. The two are often kept sealed away in the deepest part of Hellsalem's Lot's largest prison but are sometimes called up to aid Libra in dire situations, due to their raw power.
  • Exocrimson: This ability allows Dog to use his blood to create a powerful exoskeleton armor that provides him with immense strength and durability. Dog is able to poke his head out of the exoskeleton to communicate more personally with other members of Libra.
    • Plain Punch - Revised: This allows Deldro to form his hand into a giant, hardened crimson fist.
    • Airplane B2B
    • Full Power Hammer Throw

Blitz T. Abrams 
Klaus' former mentor and world-famous vampire hunter. His nickname Lucky Abrams is the result of the many curses placed on him by his vampire enemies that he has made over the years. Whether it's due to his luck or the curses counteracting each other, Abrams has never actually been harmed from it. However, countless people have fallen victim to the curse in his stead which has left him to be rightly feared by some of his colleagues at Libra.

Libra's arms craftsman, dealer and occasional combatant. He is mostly seen wearing a dark winter coat and sunglasses. He is also somewhat playful, despite being a weapons dealer, Patrick apparently dislikes using weapons or fighting at all, content to sit back and let others use his wares to raise hell.

Patrick's ponytailed assistant, very skilled and also gluttonous, having spent an entire Libra office party just eating food. She is the shortest member of Libra. She is not shown to speak much but is usually seen smiling. She is almost always seen accompanying Patrick.

Sonic Speed Monkey 
A monkey that's capable of moving at the speed of sound, also known simply as Sonic. It steals Leonardo's camera, but eventually becomes his pet after Leo saves him.


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