All Awakened Beings In Claymore

Awakened Beings are former Claymores who went over their 80% limit and Awakened. Their forms vary greatly and are similar to Yoma. Awakened Beings are typically far more powerful than any mere Yoma and are also more dangerous than Claymores. It is later shown that the Organization deliberately makes Awakened Beings by hybridizing males at an Awakened Being factory. Here is the list of known Awakened Beings:

Abyssal Ones

The Abyssal Ones are Awakened Beings that were former No.1 Claymores before they reached their limits. Their form and abilities are similar to those of lesser Awakened Beings and ordinary Yoma, but they are vastly more powerful, strong enough to control an entire quadrant of the world.

Humanoid Awakened Form

Awakened hunted by Ophelia 
Very little is known about this Being apart from that it was a former single digit female Claymore and was killed by Ophelia. Her form is mostly humanoid apart from the enhanced size and elongated body that is more stretched than just bigger. Her neck shares these elongated properties as well as her arms, which seem to have no hands but instead have tentacles with a thin film of flesh connecting them. She uses these tentacles to attack her enemy,

Agatha was her generation's No.2. Agatha's Awakened form is a large 8-legged creature on which her human form sits, connected by her hair. Her true body is below her, protected by an Awakened shell. In order to harm her human appearance, her hair must be cut. She kills soldiers and uses their blood to quench her thirst and bathe in. Her nickname is "Fresh Blood Agatha". She is later defeated by the seven survivors of the Northern Campaign.

Rosemary was a former No.1 of the Organization, but was demoted to No.2 when Teresa was promoted. In her Awakened form, she resembles a Xenomorph from the Alien trilogy with her human body fused into the Awakened torso, including her body waist up and her head on the chest.

Dauf was originally Claymore No.3 of the first generation also known as Isley's generation, surpassed only by Rigardo and Isley. He is currently Riful's follower and lover, helping her torture captured Claymores and forcing them to Awaken. Dauf, in his Awakened form, is an immense humanoid with tremendous strength and exceptionally hard armour plating. He can form large rods from his armor, firing them as projectiles or using them as makeshift spears.

Hilda was formerly No.6 of the Organization. She was active at the same time as Miria, No.17 at the time of their first meeting, and they were close friends. In her Awakened form, she resembles a large humanoid with what looks like mummy wraps around her body that can be extended.

Humanoid Being
As a human he appears as a man with a scar across one eye and spiky hair. A giant covered by a bony exoskeleton, this Awakened Being used tendrils made of bone segments for rapid movement and attacks.

Six-Legged Being 
The Awakened Being is able to transforms into her Awakened form, a crab-legged humanoid capable of growing wings. In her human form, she appears as a ordinary woman with blond hair and dressed in a way that hints she had been living in the village for some time.

Four-Armed Awakened Being
A male Awakened Being that Dietrich and three unnamed Claymores fight in the southern lands. His Awakened form is 2 legged but had 4 arms and 3 tails. Unlike other Awakened Beings, he doesn't show any ability to speak.

Animal Form Awakened Being

Priscilla was formerly a Claymore of the Organization, ranked 2, who Awakened shortly after killing Teresa. As an Awakened Being, Priscilla is a winged humanoid about 2m tall with a single horn on her forehead. Her body channels vast quantities of Yoki, surpassing even that of any of the Abyssal Ones. In addition to vast strength and speed, this also grants her unparalleled regenerative abilities, allowing near-instantaneous regeneration from any wound that is not immediately fatal. Her animal-shaped Awakened form is Moth.

Mantis Being 
This Awakened Being's form possesses six arms, and he initially takes human appearance to lull the Claymores into lowering their guard. Although its former rank is unknown, it can be asserted that he must have at least been in the top 15, for he was able to defeat Miria with fair ease. His animal-shaped Awakened form is Mantis.

Ophelia was a former No. 4 Claymore of Clare's generation who Awakened after her defeat by Irene. In her Awakened form, she resembles a large lamia with elongated blades in place of regular arms, as well as possessing blades protruding from her back. She also possesses the ability to rearrange her vulnerable, 'human' body parts to her tail. Her animal-shaped Awakened form is Snake.

Being far smaller than the average Awakened Being, Rigardo's size is made up for by his superior speed and agility. His speed can easily match and even surpass one of the fastest Claymores of her generation, and his greater Yoki and experience allows him to maintain it without tiring. For long-range and surprise attacks, Rigardo can extend his claws at high speed. His animal-shaped Awakened form is Lion

Katea was part of Jean's team in a hunt for an Awakened Being in the Zakol Mountains. After being captured by Riful and Dauf, she is tortured until she Awakens. In her Awakened form, she has a white, glowing body and blades at her back that can be extended and are sharp enough to penetrate through other Awakened Being' skin. Her animal-shaped Awakened form is Mosquitoes

Armadillo Being 
The second Being in Isley's scouting party wears a cowl and remains seated as a human. However, he possesses powerful Yoki Manipulation skills, forcing the members of Team Flora to attack each other and immobilizing them. He states that he 'loves being a monster', before assuming his Awakened form, an armored quadruped with a tail and huge eyes able to project spines from between his back plating like a porcupine.

Insectoid Being 
The human form of this Awakened Being is a lean, bald man with a blindfold. His Awakened form, an giant flying insect with many bladed arms, also had no visible eyes, although he was clearly able to anticipate attacks.

Unknown Awakened Being

Worm Awakened Being 
The Awakened Being is hunted by both Clarice and Miata on their way to Rabona for their quest to hunt Galatea. It has the appearance of a large ball with many worms and mouths coming from a large vital part.

Half-Awakened Beings 
Half-Awakened are Claymores that went past their limits yet somehow managed to pull themselves back, preventing them from truly Awakening. The exact nature of this state is unknown, and only five known Claymore have become half awakened. They are Clare, Miria, Deneve, Helen, and Jean.


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