7 Puns In The Devil Is A Part-Timer!

This anime series often makes parody or some kind of puns in its story. There are at least 7 of them noticed till the end of last episode. Check this out!

Sadao Maou Name
Maou's human name is a pun on his real identity. "Maou" sounds like "Mao" which means "devil" or "demon lord" and "Sadao" means "decisive man" but it sounds like the start of words like "sadist" or "sadism".

MgRonald's is a fast food chain featured in this series, based heavily on the similarly-named "McDonald's" franchise of the real world. As a fast food restaurant, the franchise specializes in the preparation and sale of hamburgers and fries, the most commonly seen item being the Big Mig Meal. In addition, many of the soft-drinks shown in the anime series have similar names to those of popular soda brands. 

Sentucky Fried Chicken
Sentucky Fried Chicken, also known as SFC is a fast food chain featured in this series. It is based heavily on the similarly-named "Kentucky Fried Chicken" franchise of the real world. It specializes in the preparation and serving of chicken rather than hamburgers.

Maou has a tendency to name his vehicles "Dullahan". Two of his bikes are named Dullahan I and Dullahan II respectively, and his moped is named Dullahan III. Its name came from the Irish myth about a headless rider with a black horse who carries their head under one arm and from a Japanese proverb: to lose your neck, which means to get fired.

Entean Language
In the anime, the language in Ente Isla is called Entean, which is basically most of the consonants in the English alphabet switched around. Vowels and the consonants 'L', 'N', 'Q' keep their original position. ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ is changed to AZYXEWVTISRLPNOMQKJHUGFDCB. For example, 'human' is 'tupan', and 'world' becomes 'foklx'.

In episode 3, Alciel refers to the UNICLO shirt that Maou likes to wear all the time. UNICLO is a parody of the famous Japanese casual wear designer, manufacturer and retailer UNIQLO.

Holy Potter
In the background of episode 1, there is a movie theater poster that says Holy Potter, a parody of the movie franchise Harry Potter.


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