8 Types Of Rukh In Magi The Series

Rukh are small bird-like creatures that inhabit everything in the world. Mountains, oceans, the soil, and the very air all have rukh inside them. They are a pure existence generally colored white. However, they can turn other colors to reflect certain magic types.

There are technically infinite types of rukh, but the Magicians of Magnostadt have devised an eight color sorting system to broadly categorize them.

Type Red 
Type 1 rukh are responsible for creating heat and flames. They give off a red glow when generating magoi. They are the rukh that are called upon when performing Heat Magic. Magicians with an affinity for this type are called Red Magicians.

According to Yunan, people with type 1 rukh affinity show their most powerful selves when protecting others and have no desire for personal success. They most happy when their primitive desires are met, though they have an unusually high libido.

Type Blue 
Type 2 rukh, is the rukh responsible for creating and manipulating liquid and water in all it's forms. These rukh shine blue when generating magoi.They are the rukh that are called upon when performing Water Magic. Magicians with an affinity for this type are called Blue Magicians.

According to Yunan, people with an affinity for type 2 rukh are eccentrics who persue only what catches their interest, to the disregard of all else. They are often unaware of gestures of affection and are oblivious to subtle flirtations.

Type Orange 
Type 3 Rukh glow orange when generating magoi. They are used in Light Magic.

According to Yunan, people with type 3 rukh affinity are excellent at drumming up sympathy and are beloved by subordinates and superiors alike. They are innocent and naive but with a quick and calculating wit. Though they can be quite spoiled, they are very popular and attractive people.

Type Yellow 
Type 4 rukh manipulates lightning and electricity. It glows bright yellow when active.They are used in Thunder Magic.

According to Yunan, people with type 4 rukh affinity are the dutiful "older sibling" types who are deeply invested in caring for those under them. They are dedicated and responsible people who take great pride in themselves and hold a strong sense of justice. They are quite serious and almost never act without restraint. Their idealist nature often clashes with their down-to-earth pragmatism, leaving them quite conflicted.

Type White 
Type 5 rukh shines pure white when active. They are used in Wind Magic.

According to Yunan, those with an affinity for type 5 rukh are romanticists hiding under a cool and composed exterior. They are slow to anger and slow to relax. Due to their calm and low-tension appearance they often appear cold and unreadable to outsiders. They can easily loose sight of their true goals and desires in an attempt to suppress their emotions.

Type Green 
Type 6 Rukh is responsible for creating sound waves and thoughts. These rukh are never shown directly, but their effects are lima green. It is used in Sound Magic. Magicians with this affinity are called Green Magicians

According to Yunan, people with an affinity for type 6 rukh are pacifists who value their friends and family above all else. They are gentle, sincere, perceptive and reliable people who are prone to worrying. Harmony is important to them, but they tend to lack assertiveness.

Type Black 
Type 7 rukh, not to be confused with the Black Rukh of Ill Ilah, commonly refered to as Strength or Power rukh. These rukh are never shown directly, but their effects are a very deep indigo color. It is used in Strength Magic.

According to Yunan, people with type 7 rukh affinity are the perceived "ideal King" types. They are daring, courageous and innately talented geniuses. They are naturally charismatic and easily garner the adoration of others. They have a dark side, however. They are prone to brooding, can become obsessive in their resolve and tend to take action far too quickly.

Type Purple 
Type 8 rukh glow purple when active. It is used in Life Magic.

According to Yunan, people with an affiliation to type 8 rukh are kind and loving people who take their interpersonal relationships extremely seriously. They are fiercely loyal and self-sacrificing and they feel the most joy when they can be of use to someone. They are passionate in nature and their emotional ups and downs are extreme. 


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