Master Moo & The Baddies

Moo's Baddies are monsters that are turned evil by Master Moo's influence, which amplifies the hatred in their hearts. Once they become Baddies, they manifest a Baddie Crest, a round medallion on their bodies. The list of main members of Moo and his underlings is as follow:

Master Moo 
Master Moo is a Dragon monster, and the main villain of the Monster Rancher anime series. He is pure evil, and his soul has the ability to bring out the darkness in others. For most of the series, his soul is bonded to a human host to sustain itself, so he takes the form of a giant humanoid with dark fur and golden armor. His true body is much larger and looks like a real dragon monster.
Underlings: Big Bad Four, General Durahan, Lilim, Seed Sisters, Weeds & Captain Weed, Dinos & Captain Dino, Worm troops

Big Bad Four
The Big Bad Four are Moo's four top generals who report directly to him during his takeover of Pangaea. They are Pixie, Gali, Grey Wolf, Naga

Pixie is the least ranked among Moo's Big Bad Four. She becomes Granity after fusing with Big Blue who gives his life to her when she was put into a near-death state by Master Moo's true form. In this form, she is much more powerful and has stone armor to boost her defense.
Techniques: Bolt, Lightning, Flame, Slap, High Kick, Bang, Big Bang
Underlings: Usabas, Big Blue, Black Dinos and Captain Black Dino, Evil Hares and Captain Evil Hare, Kuros and Captain Kuro, Clays and Captain Clay

Gali is one of Master Moo's Big Bad Four, and the most cunning member of the quartet. Despite his high power level, he has weak durability. 
Techniques: Gali Finale (God Final), Gali Strike (God Strike), Wall of Fire, Spin Cutter, Gali Press (God Press), Gali Punch (Giant Blow), Straight, Gali Hurricane (God Hurricane)
Underlings: Sandys, Joker, Zillas and Gooji, Zuums and Captain Zuum, Dokoos and Captain Dokoo, Scaled Jells and Captain Scaled Jell

Gray Wolf 
Gray Wolf is Tiger's younger brother in the Monster Rancher anime series. He was captured by Moo and turned into one of his Big Bad Four. 
Techniques: Torpedo, Blizzard, Cold Bullet, Scratch, Bite, Spin Attack, Roar, Charge
Underlings: Cabalos Pack, Undine, Centaur, Celious and Dragoon, Mocks and Captain Ebony, Black Worms and Captain Black Worm, Salamanders and Captain Salamander, Jaggernauts and Captain Jaggernaut

Naga is one of Moo's Big Bad Four and his second-in-command and by far the cruelest of the Baddies. He is also the one with the most powerful underlings.
Techniques: Thwack, Stab, Belly Punch, Pierce, Life-Steal, Tail Assault, Turn Assault, Poison Gas, Energy Shot, Energy Shots, Eye Beam
Underlings: Bajarl, Stone Dragon, Tainted Cat Brothers, Weeds and Captain Weed, Black Dinos and Captain Black Dino, Zuums and Captain Zuum, Arrow Heads and Captain Arrow Head, Jells and Captain Jell, Jaggernauts and Captain Jaggernaut, Kuros and Captain Kuro

General Durahan 
In the anime series, General Durahan is one of the chief villains after Master Moo's Big Bad Four are defeated. He commands a vast army of Moo's troops and is sent on a special assigment with his side-kick, Lilim, to steal Holly's Magic Stone. Many of Durahan's henchmen are mechanical, such as Astro and End-Bringer. He rules the Eastern Continent.
Techniques: Twister Slash, Flash Slash, Triple Slash, Slash Combo, Swing, Thunderbolt, Cut-in-Two, Death-Bringer, Million Stabs, Punch Combo, V-Slash, Rush Slash, Dash Slash, Jumping Stab, Charge, Air Shot, Rolling Slash, Sword Throw, Lightning, Blast Shot
Underlings: Lilim, Poison, Mum Mew, Gobi, Weed, End-Bringer, Metalner, Shogun, Renocraft, Mocky, Tricker, Sneak Hopper, Springer, Tombstone Brothers, Gangsters, Black Weeds, Zuums, Evil Hares, Jells & Pink Jam, Clays & Mew, Knight Mocchis & Metal Jell, Shell Saurians & Chariot, Zebra Saurians & Captain Zebra Saurian, Jelly Gaboos & Captain Jelly Gaboo, Astros & Captain Astro, Drill-Tusks & Captain Drill-Tusk, Jura Walls & Captain Jura Wall, Ghosts & Ghost Captain, Wood Golem

Lilim is one of General Durahan's close associates in the anime series. It is clear that they have a romantic relationship, although Lilim's lust for power eventually leads her to betray Durahan for Master Moo. 
Techniques: Ray, Lightning, Mega Ray

Seed Sisters
The Seed Sisters are three Weed assassins who operate on Aurora Island for Moo. Their individual names are never stated.
Techniques: Toxic Pollen, Seed Gun, Life-Steal, Root Slap

The Weeds permeate the anime series. A troupe of them live in Moo's floating castle as his attendants, and several of them are in charge of piloting his iron Birds. Captain Weed seems to be in charge of the fleet and the castle's artillery capabilities. When Moo begins to make the transfer into his old body, he relies heavily on the Weeds to run the machinery. 

The Dino troops are some of the first baddies that the Searchers encounter, and are ruthless when it comes to battle. They are responsible for wiping out most of Tiger's pack and for terrorizing the city of Poannka. They patrol the eastern half of Aurora Island for Moo.
Technique: Tail Slash

Worm is a massive monster that can dig underground. Several Worms appear in the anime series.
Techniques: Bite, Somersault, Sting, Tail Lash, Tusk Slash, Poison Gas, Wheel Attack


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