Big Bad Four Of Moo's Top Generals

The Big Bad Four are Moo's four top generals who report directly to him during his takeover of Pangaea. They have their own underlings who help them to execute the orders given by Moo. They are as follows:

Pixie is the least ranked among Moo's Big Bad Four in the anime series. Pixie has a personal vendetta against humans and takes delight in capturing towns and turning the inhabitants into slaves. She lives in the Ancra Castle and rules over Ancra Island. She is later became an anti-hero alongside Big Blue as the series progresses. She becomes Granity after fusing with Big Blue who gives his life to her when she was put into a near-death state by Master Moo's true form. In this form, she is much more powerful and has stone armor to boost her defense.
Techniques: Bolt, Lightning, Flame, Slap, High Kick, Bang, Big Bang
Underlings: Usabas, Big Blue, Black Dinos and Captain Black Dino, Evil Hares and Captain Evil Hare, Kuros and Captain Kuro, Clays and Captain Clay

In the anime series, Gali is one of Master Moo's Big Bad Four, and the most cunning member of the quartet. Despite his high power level, he has weak durability, so he tries to use reasoning with the Searchers and figure out how to best manipulate them. When that doesn't work, he often resorts to trickery. He lives at a large sand castle and is in charge of the south of the Northern Continent.
Techniques: Gali Finale (God Final), Gali Strike (God Strike), Wall of Fire, Spin Cutter, Gali Press (God Press), Gali Punch (Giant Blow), Straight, Gali Hurricane (God Hurricane)
Underlings: Sandys, Joker, Zillas and Gooji, Zuums and Captain Zuum, Dokoos and Captain Dokoo, Scaled Jells and Captain Scaled Jell

Gray Wolf 
Gray Wolf is Tiger's younger brother in the Monster Rancher anime series. He was captured by Moo and turned into one of his Big Bad Four. He controls the center of the Northern Continent from his ice castle. He initially has a Moo's insignia at the center of his chest until Tiger stabs with its horns to break into pieces to leave him dead and later it was not seen after being reformed.
Techniques: Torpedo, Blizzard, Cold Bullet, Scratch, Bite, Spin Attack, Roar, Charge
Underlings: Cabalos Pack, Undine, Centaur, Celious and Dragoon, Mocks and Captain Ebony, Black Worms and Captain Black Worm, Salamanders and Captain Salamander, Jaggernauts and Captain Jaggernaut

Naga is one of Moo's Big Bad Four in the Monster Rancher anime series, his second-in-command and by far the cruelest of the Baddies. He is also the one with the most powerful underlings. A snake-like, reptilian and amphibian monster with sharp teeth, purple scales and sharp claws, Naga lives in a gigantic stone castle atop a mountain and governs the north of the Northern Continent.
Techniques: Thwack, Stab, Belly Punch, Pierce, Life-Steal, Tail Assault, Turn Assault, Poison Gas, Energy Shot, Energy Shots, Eye Beam
Underlings: Bajarl, Stone Dragon, Tainted Cat Brothers, Weeds and Captain Weed, Black Dinos and Captain Black Dino, Zuums and Captain Zuum, Arrow Heads and Captain Arrow Head, Jells and Captain Jell, Jaggernauts and Captain Jaggernaut, Kuros and Captain Kuro


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