4 Original Benders In Avatar

There are the original source of every bending art in Avatar The Last Airbender Anime. They are a flying bison for air, the Moon Spirit for water, badgermoles for earth, and Ran and Shaw, two dragons, for fire. For the complete description, refer to lists below:

Flying Bison 
Bending: Airbending
Position: Transportation, companionship, entertainment
Description: The flying bison, also known as sky bison and air bison, lived in the air temples along with the Air Nomads. The most notable flying bison was Appa, Avatar Aang's animal guide and Team Avatar's primary means of long-distance transportation. Some bison also live in the Fire Nation, tended to on an island by the Bhanti Tribe.

Bending: Earthbending
Position: Earthbending instructors, beasts of burden
Description: The badgermole is an enormous, blind mammal native to the Earth Kingdom. Primarily subterranean creatures, badgermoles were the first to master earthbending and the original instructors from which humans first learned the art.

Tui & La 
Bending: Waterbending
Position: Moon Spirit & Ocean Spirit
Description: The Moon Spirit was incarnated in the form of a white koi fish. It resided in the Spirit Oasis with its partner, the Ocean Spirit, a black koi fish. With the rise of the moon, the Northern waterbenders use its power to greatly enhance their waterbending ability.

Ran & Shaw 
Bending: Firebending
Position: Firebending master, The last dragons
Description: Ran and Shaw are two ancient dragons revered by the Sun Warriors as the original masters of firebending. At the end of the Hundred Year War, they were the last known surviving dragons, a species nearly hunted to extinction by firebenders after Fire Lord Sozin began the tradition of killing them for glory. Visited by many people throughout history, the dragons only deemed a few people outside the Sun Warrior tribe to be worthy; those deemed unworthy were customarily destroyed.


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