7 Members of Tyrannos

The Tyrannos are the antagonists of the series. In contrast to the Dinosaucers, the Tyrannos have a total of seven members in their group on Earth. This number is completed by Princess Dei, who is part of the Tyannos back on Reptilon, who was not part of the Earth expedition. The list here only discusses the prominence members in that expedition:

1. Genghis Rex 
Rex is the leader of the Tyrannos and the owner of a very serious yet wise and flexible personality. As an evolved Tyrannosaurus, he is brutal, tyrannical and ill-tempered. He loves to be flattered by being reffered to high-sounding names such as Bossasaur and Your Scaliness, yet he hates being called Chiefasaur. He calls his minions offenses like Idiot-tops and Tail-For-Brains when they screw up or when he cannot admit his failures and puts his wrath upon his minions. Although he may be seem feral and mindless at first glance, Genghis Rex is actually very intelligent, especially when it comes to scheme and plan ingenious moves against the Dinosaucers. 

2. Ankylo 
Ankylo is a member of the Tyranno group and assistant to Genghis Rex. Among his group, he is the most loyal Tyranno to Rex and often comes at him with ideas and suggestions that may solve the fight between the factions. He is also good at comforting, influencing and talking his friends out of some situations, although his advices sometimes do not pay off because of the depth of the situation. He is also the most optimistic of the Tyrannos, always looking forward towards victory no matter what the Dinosaucers may throw at them or how many times their enemies beat them.

3. Quackpot 
Quackpot is the most comedic member and practical joker of the Tyrannos, much to the anger and wrath of his comrades. For that reason, he is not only disliked by the Dinosaucers, but even more by his own friends. He has a great sense of humor and a very creative mind. Quackpot often uses this talents to get the Dinosaucers into a lot of trouble. He is definitely not dumb as he might first appear to the eyes of another. He is also not completely dependent on Genghis Rex, as he sometimes conducts his schemes separately. 

4. Brachio 
Brachio is one of the Tyrannos which is physically the strongest member. He is also the dumbest of all Tyrannos. Like Bonehead and Stego, he is prone to understanding things literally and takes time to fully comprehend something. However, he is smart enough to realize when he is being tricked or being pulled into a trap at times. Sometimes, he is a Tyranno who has never shown any sign of good and enjoys tormenting and making fun of his enemies, something the other Tyrannos approve and greatly amuse due to their wicked natures.

5. Styraco 
Styraco is a member of the Tyrannos and possesses vicious spikes and horns protruding from his body which can be used as attack and defense. Though not a scientist or inventor, Styraco is a creative thinker and often helps Plesio in dealing with mechanical equipment. He is key to the Tyrannos in dealing with their saucers as it is his job to do the maintenance of their ships. He is quite strong but does not like fighting too much, relying more on robots and other kinds of machinery. 

6. Plesio 
Plesio is an evolved Plesiosaurus who is extremely cunning and shifty. Like Ichy, Plesio can also talk to sea creatures. However, he uses this ability to convince them to mistreat mankind and everything related to them. He serves as the scientist/inventor of the group, creating most of the gadgets and machines used by the Tyrannos. He is creative but his inventions usually backfire and have the low success rate, leads his labors to be quickly discarded and junked. Plesio, however, is optimistic. He also sometimes conducts his plans apart and separate from the other Tyrannos. 

7. Terrible Dactyl 
Terrible Dactyl is one the Tyrannos and the only member of the group who can fly. He is the spy of the group and probably one of the most intelligent Tyrannos. Despite being mostly evil and wicked, he does have an honorable side as well.


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