13 Strongest Characters In Samurai X

1. Hiko Seijuro XIII 
  • Weapon: Shirasaya Nihonto
  • Fighting Style: Hiten Mitsurugi-Ryu
  • Signature Move: Kuzuryusen, Hiten Mugen Zan, Amakakeru Ryu no Hirameki
  • Note: He is stated to be the strongest character in Samurai X, fully master the style of Hiten Mitsurugi-Ryu without suffer from the side effect. He also master Hiten Mugen Zan, the ancient technique of Hiten Mitsurugi-Ryu.

2. Kenshin Himura 
  • Weapon: Sakabato Shinuchi, Sakabato Kageuchi (broken)
  • Fighting Style: Hiten Mitsurugi-Ryu
  • Signature Move: Battojutsu techniques, kuzuryusen, Amakakeru Ryu no Hirameki
  • Note: As the main character, Kenshin indeed the second strongest character after his master. His glory in the past makes many samurai obsess in defeating him.

3. Yukishiro Enishi 
  • Weapon: Wato
  • Fighting Style: Watojutsu
  • Signature Move: Frenzied Nerves (Kyokeimyaku), Kofuku Zettosei
  • Note: Enishi is the master of Watojutsu which focus on offense. He is also the one who can fully block Kuzuryusen & counter Amakekeru Ryu No Hirameki, 2 strongest techniques of Kenshin. His unique ability is Frenzied Nerves that enhance his senses.

4. Shishio Makoto 
  • Weapon: Mugenjin, Wakizashi
  • Fighting Style: The Three Swords Secret
  • Signature Move: Homura Dama, Guren Kaina, Kaguzuchi
  • Note: Known for his mummy-like appearance, Shishio proves that his skills are on par or better than Kenshin. His fire based techniques require his katana Mungenjin to utilize human fat as a fuel. He is also the strongest person in his own group, Juppongatana.

5. Hijikata Toshizo
  • Weapon: Izumi-no-Kami Kanesada
  • Fighting Style: Tennen Rishin-ryu, Shinsengumi-Kenjutsu, Hirazuki
  • Signature Move: Unknown
  • Note: He is the Vice Commander of Shinshengumi as well as the founder of Hirazuki fighting style which later uses as basic technique of Saito's Gatotsu. As a second Commander, he is assumed as one of the strongest samurai in Shinsengumi.

6. Amakusa Shogo
  • Weapon: Katana
  • Fighting Style: Hiten Mitsurugi-Ryu
  • Signature Move: Rairyusen, Amakakeru Ryu no Hirameki
  • Note: A prodigy swordsman who master basic attack of Hiten Mitsurugi-Ryu beyond Godspeed. Unlike Kenshin, his Godspeed do not need to use Battojutsu. He also invented the new Hiten Mitsurugi-Ryu technique called Rairyusen which can blind the enemy eyes.

7. Seta Sojiro 
  • Weapon: Nagasone Kotetsu (Katana), Kikuichimonji Norimune (Katana), Wakizashi
  • Fighting Style: Tenken
  • Signature Move: Shukuchi, Shuntensatsu
  • Note: Sojiro is the fastest and the most skilled swordsman in Juppongatana. His speed cannot be perceived by human eye, usually leaving the footsteps after the fight. Sojiro's other skill lies on his ability to surpress his emotion during the fight.

8. Shinomori Aoshi 
  • Weapon: Kodachi
  • Fighting Style: Kempo, Kodachi Nitou Ryuu
  • Signature Move: Jissen Kenbu, Kaiten Kenbu, Kaiten Kenbu Rokuren, Ryu sui no Ugoki
  • Note: As a genius leader of Oniwabanshu, Aoshi posses unrivaled intellect and analytical skills. He prefers to wield Kodachi for his weapon, primarily uses it for defense while using Kempo for his offense.

9. Saito Hajime 
  • Weapon: Katana
  • Fighting Style: Hirazuki - Gatotsu
  • Signature Move: Gatotsu Isshiki, Gatotsu Nishiki, Gatotsu Sanshiki, Gatotsu Zeroshiki
  • Note: Saito is extremely powerful Samurai who often seen fighting on par with Kenshin. His Gatotsu starting power is stated to have rivalled Kenshin's second strongest technique, Kuzuryusen.

10. Okita Soji
  • Weapon: Katana
  • Fighting Style: Sandanzuki
  • Signature Move: Unknown
  • Note: As the first division captain of Shinshengumi, he has skills on par with Saito who is also the powerful character in the series.

11. Uonuma Usui 
  • Weapon: Katana, Rochin and Tinbe
  • Fighting Style: Unknown
  • Signature Move: Shingan (Mind's eye) , Hyakka Ryoran
  • Note: Usui is the third strongest member of Juppongatana. Although he is blind, he can easily fight his opponents by using his shingan.This ability detect the emotion and movement through hearing.

12. Udo Jin-e
  • Weapon: Katana
  • Fighting Style: Nikaidou Heihou
  • Signature Move: Shin no Ippo
  • Note: He is a master of Nikaidou Heihou style who allow him to effectively wield his blade with either hand. The dangerous ability he posseses is Shin no Ippo which can paralyze his target.

13. Yukyuzan Anji 
  • Weapon: Dagger
  • Fighting Style: Hand to Hand combat
  • Signature Move: Futae no Kiwami (Mastery of Two Layers) , Kiwami Hazushi (Extremity Release), Touate (Distant Hit)
  • Note: Although he is not a swordsman, his unique skills allow him to be one of the powerful fighters. His Futae no Kiwami is able to destroy the object instantly using every parts of his body.


  1. Amakusa Shogo in sixth place? Seriously?
    Kenshin was only able to defeat him on his second attempt, taking advantage of the fact that Shogo was wounded by a rifle and wanted to die. Shogo easily won the first fight, if he wanted to, he could easily kill Kenshin in a matter of seconds.

    1. But the other ranks, from 1-5 place, are able to defeat him as they are renowned by their mighty in the past.

      Thinking about that, kenshin is actually struggling to defeat all of them.

    2. Hiko can win, the others can't. Shogo's every attack was a speedblitz, Kenshin can't react to them. Shishio misses many of Kenshin's attacks, so Shogo's attacks will be fatal to him. Enishi will be caught off guard by Rai Ryu Sen technique, he will go blind, followed by Ryu Mei Sen to affect his heightened hearing, rendering his Frenzied Nerves ability useless. A blind Kenshin defeated an injured Shogo, whose bullet wound was part of the plot. Enishi will not have a plot advantage, having lost his sight and hearing, he will lose the battle.


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