List of All B'T In B't X Series

B't are living robots powered by human blood created by The Machine Empire. Created over organic matter, these machines have their own will. Using human blood rather than oil as fuel, the Machine Empire have successfully created the machines, giving them the name B't with four specifications: brain, blood, bravery and battler. The first human to give a B't blood is called a donor, and in theory is the only one it follows. The maximum strength of a B't heavily relies on the strength of his bond with his donor. Here is the list of all B't in this series:

Donor: Karen, Teppei Takamiya
Design: Winged Horse Kirin
Description: Once hailed as the strongest B't created by the Machine Empire, X's original blood donor is Karen, the Spirit General of the East and thus obeys only her. X was modeled after the mythical winged horse kirin that rescues people when the world is in chaos. X possesses incredible agility that he can move as fast as lightning. This is further enhanced when he is in Battle Mode.
  • Sonic attack: sends out waves that disturbs the hearing of B't and is inaudible to humans.
  • Prism of Aura: is a special ability that gives X incredible power and speed.
  • Guard System: is a passive ability that allows a B't and his donor to be impervious to elements such as intense heat and pressure.
  • Shining Wings: an enhanced version of Prism of Aura

Shadow X 
Donor: Karen
Design: Winged Horse Kirin
Description: Shadow X has identical form as X but all body is covered in black. It was initially out of control because it was created by using scrap metal, but later became stable with the help of Hokuto and Max. Unlike other B'Ts, she speaks in a rather crushed tone, like a girl and calls X "Brother". She is also good at disturbing the opponent with her agile movements.
  • Pretty Mirage: shadow attack with high-speed movement

Je t'aime 
Donor: Fou Lafine
Design: Vermilion bird of the South or the phoenix
Description: Je t'aime is the B't of Fou Lafine. Je t'aime's design is inspired by the Vermilion bird of the South in mythology or the phoenix. After her death, Fou is able to resurrect Je t'aime, transforming her into her true phoenix form. In this form, Je t'aime emits a pinkish glow instead of her old vermilion color. With powerful wings and sharp claws, Je t'aime is proved as a capable fighter.
  • Deadly Carol: is a sonic attack designed to destroy a B't's mind or main control system. As it puts its target in a trance, it hallucinates angels and skeletons before its mind succumbs to destruction.
  • Fortune Symphonic: is an amplified version of Deadly Carol achieved when Fou simultaneously plays a specific type of song on his violin.
  • Resurrection: is the passive ability to be revived after being killed. It was triggered when Fou played the song of the angels on his violin, and results in Je t'aime achieving her true phoenix form.

Donor: Ron
Design: Azure Dragon
Description: Raido is the B't of Ron. Raido is an extremely strong and agile B't that he is able to move as fast as lightning. It's design is inspired by the Azure Dragon in mythology. His personality was calm and he follows his donor until the final battle.
  • Thunder Cannon: The electric shock emitted from his mouth

Donor: Hokuto
Design: Black Tortoise
Description: Max is the B't of Hokuto. It's design is based on the Black Tortoise from mythology. Max is also an enormous B't that mostly stays underground while Hokuto performs experiments in the laboratory inside her. It's defense are the strongest in the Machine Empire. Her outer armor is made of durable material that it is able underground missiles simply have no effect on her. It can also transform into battle mode and shows the ability to shoot lasers from the gun gate of the whole body.
  • Protective Shield: allows Max to emit a layer of energy that fends off enemies around her.
  • Laser Beam: Shoot a laser

Donor: The Machine Empire
Design: Unknown
Description: Raphael is the ultimate B't created by The Machine Empire. Unlike the creation of other B't where robots are created from blueprints, Raphael was sent by The Machine Emperor with the order to feed it many types of creatures. Raphael has no fixed form and eats up all creatures and grows strangely. Unlike other B'Ts, it just continues to prey and destroy and grows huge. Raphael true identity is the Machine Emperor B'T who has a special guard system such as hallucinations that afflict people and time zone. Also its power is stronger than an atomic bomb.

Zeta & Theta 
Donor: Misha & Nasha
Design: Winged Leopard
Description: These B't look like leopards with wings and unknown gender. B'T with the golden body is Zeta whose donor is Misha and the silver body is Theta whose donor is Nasha. These twin B't can move with just one command and they always act in the same way. The data of the four spirit generals and their B't has been stored and most of the abilities can be used by these two. They can also be united into one B't.

Vanilla Fudge 
Donor: Juggler
Design: Gargoyle
Description: Vanilla Fidge is a B't of Juggler. It is a jet-black B'T and was made based on the form of a gargoyle. Like his donor, it has a clown-like tone and a unique laughter. At the end, he and his donor whereabouts are unknown.

Donor: Aramis
Design: Wasp
Description: Rosemary is Aramis B't in form of a large insect that can accommodate several people in its head cockpit. Its Special Move is the powerful poisonous gas attack "Florian Flag" that invites death with a sweet scent, killing 10,000 scientists attending the World Expo in a blink of an eye. This B't also carries a small bomb inside its body.

Donor: Metal Face
Design: Griffin
Description: Madonna is a B't owned by Metal Face. Madonna's design was based on the griffin, a mythical creature with the body, tail, and rear legs of a lion; the head and wings of an eagle. She is extremely loyal to Metal Face and after following her upgrades, Madonna is able to shoot fire balls from her mouth.

Donor: Dark Knights
Design: Falcon
Description: Falcon is the B't of Rai and is a member of the Dark Knights. All members of the Dark Knights are also donors of birds of prey-inspired B'ts, each one called Falcon. The B't's strength mainly lies in its tremendous speed, and it utilizes its sharp talons to swiftly slash the enemy from different directions.

La Lainya 
Donor: Misslim
Design: Hydra of Lerna
Description: La Lainya is the B't of Misslim, one of the Seven Evil Knights. La Lainya's design is based on the creature Hydra of Lerna in mythology, a water monster with 9 snake heads. It can regenerate his any of its head that gets destroyed. Additionally, La Lainya's armor is hard enough to render a normal attack useless.
  • Withering Breath: squirts a mysterious liquid at the enemy that causes them to wither and quickly be reduced to ashes.

Donor: Quattro
Design: Griffin
Description: Lorezzo is the B't of Quattro, one of the Seven Evil Knights. Lorezzo's design is inspired by the mythical creature griffin. It is an agile mover. He can also shoot out fire blasts from his eyes.
  • Aero Zap Zone: With its wings, it creates a vacuum zone with zero air pressure
  • Thunder Ball: A lump of electricity is spit out from it's mouth

Donor: Meimu
Design: Baku
Description: Halloween is the B't of Meimu. Halloween's design is based on the supernatural being in Japanese mythology known as Baku.
  • Der Richtungspfeil: shoots out strong beams of light that penetrate through the enemy.
  • Dark Inferno: generates dark spheres from both eyes and sucks enemies into the different dimensional world

Donor: Gai
Design: Garuda
Description: Shendu is the B't of Gai, one of the seven demon generals. Like his donor, Shendu's body is made of Eternal matter. Shendu was built by the Machine Empire from instructions made by The Machine Emperor. His donor was chosen to be the Philosopher and Netutrino Scientist Gai. Gai was researching how to achieve an immortal body, and after Shendu was turned online, both of their bodies' compositions were remade into dark matter neutrinos.

Donor: Salome
Design: Unicorn
Description: Halcyon is the B't of Salome. Halcyon's design is based on unicorn. This B't has the same name as the wild foal that Salome once loved. She is very loyal to Salome and does not allow others to touch her. She has the healing power by using her horn.

Donor: Sapphire
Design: Basilisk
Description: Eroica is the B't of Sapphire. Eroica's design is based on Basilisk.
  • Deskeen Jewel: spitting a mysterious ray from its mouth that turns an object into a jewel
  • Air Jail: A cage that crystallizes a specific range of atmosphere

Donor: Dr. Poe
Design: Chimera
Description: A special B'T based on the chimera who has three heads in one body. Cadenza has the heads of Wyvern (Dragon), Power's Leon (Lion), and Spirit's Goat (Goat) with different attack and abilities. As powerful B'Ts with high wisdom and offensive power, they hunt down Hokuto and Max, but they are defeated.
  • Cosmic Cube (Wyvern): captures the opponent in a Rubik's cube- shaped box and flies it to another dimension .
  • Flying Rock (Leon): spits out flame bullets from his mouth
  • Hacking (Goat): ability to hack into any computer and spread computer viruses.

Donor: Captain Hook
Design: Mongolian Death Worm
Description: Groupie is a B't owned by Captain Hook. Groupie is shaped like a giant worm with sharp teeth on its mouth and slippery skin on its body. Its one eye is located on an antenna just above its huge orifice. Groupie emits a strong acidic vapor that metal easily disintegrates in its presence. Groupie's internal components are covered in a sea of acid which it uses to digest its swallowed victims. Groupie can also shoot out a net of acid to trap its victims.

Donor: Camilla
Design: Butterfly
Description: Mirage is the B't owned by the illusionist Camilla. It is extremely loyal to her donor and thinks very highly of his battle strategies. Mirage has a design similar to a butterfly, with colorful wings, antennae, thorax and abdomen, though she does have legs. Mirage's fighting abilities mostly rely on the effects of Camilla's Evil Flower, which inhibits the enemy's senses.
  • Death Flap: sends sonic waves towards the enemy which, in conjunction with the effect of the Evil Flower can be fatal.

Donor: The Reaper
Design: Giant Bat
Description: Bat is the unnamed B't owned by The Reaper. It can manipulate small mechanical bats to form a flock and attack the living.
  • Devil Slain Crusher: The crescent-shaped blade that spits out from its mouth

Donor: Bem
Design: Giant Crab
Description: Cancer is the B't of Bem who guards the point near the graveyard. As Cancer and his donor Bem are killed off almost immediately by X's Prism of Aura, not much is known about them, except that they intend to kill Teppei and X to gain the favor of the Machine Emperor. Cancer's design is a giant crab, a reference to the astrological sign Cancer usually represented as a crab.

Donor: Balzac
Design: Myrmecoleon
Description: Savannah is the B't of Balzac who guards a point in the Machine Empire. Savannah is a formidable foe due to his agility in battle. He can also command Crazy Ants to attack for him. Savannah's design is based on the mythical animal Myrmecoleon, who according to Balzac has the head of lion and body of an ant.

Crazy Ants 
Crazy Ants are a swarm of underground B't guarding The Area near Balzac's point. They act under the command of their leader Savannah. Crazy Ants are agile B't that they are able to maneuver underground. However, their attacks are somewhat significantly weaker against other B't.
  • Under Missiles: Projectiles that Crazy Ants shoot out which may contain acid

Donor: Kaos
Design: Caucasus Beetle
Description: L'Amour is the B't owned by Kaos. Though L'Amour is one of the oldest B't still active, he is known to be one of the strongest, thanks to the strong bond he shares with his donor Kaos. L'Amour has extremely high defense due to the hard armor he is made of. Additionally, L'Amour is able to move at the speed of light. His greatest weapon is his horn, which also happens to be his vital point.
  • Golden Storm: sends out a brigade of bright energy forces, while enveloping the enemy in a strong pillar of wind, which can potentially rip its target apart.

Donor: Lycaon Troops
Design: Winged Beast
Description: Mass-produced B'T for lower class soldiers. It looks like a winged beast. This is the unit with the most encounter and fought by Teppei and X.

Donor: Crow Troops
Design: Black Crow
Description: Members of Crow mainly use a retractable claw as a weapon. They each have their own B't who have dark coating and sharp claws similar to a crow. These B't can expel a smokescreen and small missiles which they use during battle.


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