All Primary Monsters In Monster Rancher

There are many monsters in monster rancher. They consist of what is called primary-species which define monster’s basic form and abilities and a sub-species which defines monster’s color scheme, modifies appearance, and slightly alters some of its statistical capabilities. Sub-species is produced by combining primary-species monster and another one. For example Titan, it is combination of Golem and Suezo manifested as a large humanoid figure in Golem form with the bright yellow skin and single eye that are characteristic of the Suezo. Each Primary-species also has at least one "rare" sub-species. These unusual monsters cannot be created by combining. For example, Moo can only obtained from specific CD. It is combination of Dragon primary-species and ??? which means unidentified monster. All Rare monsters are always notated as Primary/???. 

Considering Primary-species monsters have at least 10 sub-species and some rare species, the list of monsters are minimized into most of the primary-species which not all primary-monsters are included and none of sub or rare species monsters are explained here. 

Phoenixes are large birds with flames engulfing their bodies. They are powerful legendary monsters that must be unlocked in every game they appear in. Always depicted as an extremely good-natured monster. 

Dragon are monsters based on the western dragon. They have a large variety of technique employing their wings, claws, tails, fangs, and fire breath. An attack called "Dragon Combo" is one of the most deadly attacks. They are extremely powerful, but have relatively short lifespans compared to other species. 

Dinos are T-rex like monsters that are scaled down a bit. They appeared in the first Monster Rancher game and then were replaced by similar monsters called Zuums. They were portrayed as overly-confident, but having great physical strength and energy projection. 

Galis wear an Aztec sun-god mask and a high-collared cloak. According to a legend, some Gali are actually Magic monsters hiding their true forms, but recent research seems to indicate that the Gali are actually etherial entities of colossal size and dragon-like appearance, so large that the cape and mask are like a puppet to it. They can project huge limbs made of solid light for punching and kicking, and can use their mask as a boomerang. Their attacks are mostly intelligence-based taking the form of fire, wind and lightning.

Ghosts are souls of Breeders' previously raised monsters. They assume a humanoid form but float instead of having legs. Ghosts rely on speed and magic to defeat their opponents. They are usually characterized by their magic wands and enormous tops hats which they can use to perform magic tricks. 

Golems are giants composed of craggy rocks known for their great power and defense. However, speed is their weakness. They are excellent at basic physical attacks such as chops and punches and can also break apart and reconstruct themselves, allowing them to launch bits and pieces of themselves as projectiles. 

Hares are famous rabbit monsters. They are known for their large boxing glove-like hands and cute expressions. They are friendly and highly intelligent but are known to be selfish especially when it comes to food. They specialize in high attack power and speed. Hare attack styles revolve around boxing, kicking, and even flatulence. 

Hengers are mysterious robot monsters that were built with lost technology from an ancient civilization. They can stand upright on two legs or fold themselves up into a more compact form, much like a transformer. Science has no idea how they move or what they're made out of but they can attack with technology-based weapons that are attached to their bodies including lasers, drills, missiles and bullets. 

Jells are blue amoeba-like creatures with solid red cores. They can change their bodies into various shapes in combat and generally assume the form of humanoids from the waist up. Their protoplasm color varies depending on the subspecies. A Jell attacks by forming itself into various weapons, punching with its amorphous arms, or forming itself into a blob and hitting the enemy with momentum. 

This species is also known as Nya. They are small yellow stuffed toy cats who resemble ragdolls and are one of the more popular species of monsters in the games. They are known for using tricky attacks to sap their opponent's willpower since their intelligence stats tend to be very high. Also known for their singing attacks. 

Monol resembles a large, flat, rectangular wall made of black stone. Strangely, they can form a face on the surface of its body. It’s also used as a weapon by creating spikes or tendrils on it. It is said that a Monol is actually a magic whose true form is hidden. They often create evil or dark monsters when combined. 

Nagas are humanoid serpents with stingers on their tails. They have a variety of attacks using their fangs, broad shoulders and sharp claws to create powerful combo moves. They also seem to be able to generate some types of dark magic like when they use their "Lifesteal" or "Evil Shot" techniques. 

Female humanoids that are very popular with fans. They are presented as a girl wearing red fairy clothes with horns, leathery wings, and a long whip-like tail. They have the bright colors and heart-like imagery. Pixies are known to be disobedient, but use a variety of fire attacks combined with speed to sap the opponent's will to fight. 

Plant resembles a large bulb with leaves and flowers. They are capable of attacking with pollen or their leaf-like limbs and one of their technique involves shooting seeds from their flowers as if they were bullets. They also have the ability to drain an opponent's energy and use it as their own, normally to recover themselves after being injured.

Suezos are one-eyed monsters that are born to be naughty. They are naturals with the intelligence statistic and eventually can develop telekinesis and telepathy. Suezos are some of the most popular monsters and it is generally considered the mascot of the games. They are easily obtained from the start of the game, although they are occaisionally difficult to raise because of their selfish personalities. 

Tigers are blue wolf-like monsters with horns on their heads, also known as "The Blue Gale" or "Tiger of the Wind." They were one of the three basic species, being oriented towards speed and special attacks. Besides having a swift physical attacks, they have special abilities include shooting electricity from their horns and breathing ice and wind.

Worms resemble their namesake, only they have large tusks and a stinger that can be poisonous. They are experts at burrowing and although they are not high in intelligence, Worms are some of the most loyal monsters. Worms could become large beetle-like monsters known as Beaclons. Sometimes, when the time has come, the worm will wrap itself in a cocoon. Next, the Worm will emerge as a random monster with a worm sub-breeder. 

Mocchi is a monster that resembles mochi, the Japanese sweetcake made of pounded rice. It has soft milky skin and a shell-like row of scales on its back. It's an extremely popular monster. A few of their attacks involve powerful storms of cherry blossom petals and gusts of wind and some types of Mocchi can expell powerful energy beams from their mouths. They can also roll into a ball and bounce around like they are made of rubber. 

Durahans are humanoid monsters contained souls living in suits of armor. As befitting a suit of armor, they rely on physical attacks using swords and other bladed weapons. They are very powerful and mostly have inteligence-based techiques for their moves. 

Zillas are large monsters that resemble furry humanoid whales. They are hulking creatures specializing in extreme power while sacrificing speed. Zillas function much better in the water than on land, but can still cause massive damage when they come ashore. 

Beaclons are gigantic Hercules Beetle monsters. Beaclons were obtainable by having a worm cocoon itself and metamorphose into this form. Beaclons are not known to be the smartest monsters but they do remain one of the strongest. Because of this, they rely heavily on physical attacks such as tackles and slams though they do have some non-physical attacks, including a sucking vacuum attack.

A Centaur is a monster with the head and body of a reptile and the lower body of a horse. Not much is known about them but their accuracy and speed are high. They use spear as their weapons for most of their attacks but they are still formidable without it. 

Color Pandora
A caterpillar-like monster that consists of three smaller segments. Each with a different facial expression like mad, happy and serious. They have high life and speed but the rest of their stats are relatively weak. Their system of attack involves two of the bodies flinging the third one at the opponent. This damages also hurt the Color Pandora as a whole. Other attacks require them to unite their bodes as a whole and attack as one like their "Giant Wheel" and "Megacracker" techniques. 

Duckens are a plastic multi-colored duck dolls with a segmented section in their torso. They are obtainable by feeding cup jellies to your monster, winning a special doll in the mail. The doll can be combined with two other monsters to create a Ducken. They are known for eccentric attacks, using parts of their body as projectiles. 

Lesiones are very popular monsters resembling the Plesiosaur family of aquatic reptiles or the Loch Ness Monster. It uses many voice and sonar-based attacks as well as a few moves using head-butts or body slams. These monsters are known for being large and strong but at the same time remaining kind and gentle.

Ogyo are pink dolphin-like fish. Unlike regular fish, they travel by swimming through the sky instead of actually swimming through water although they are capable of doing both. Ogyos use energy-based attacks like ice beams and thunder and their best stats are usually intelligence and speed. Ogyos have been described as being slightly domineering and because they are proud, they are sometimes difficult to raise because of the stress level.

Panchos are nothing more than pumpkin shells with animated, chipmunk-like seeds living inside. They use several rolling attacks and like to surprise their enemies. They have very high defensive abilities because of their habit to find objects with hard surfaces to live in. Most of the time they are found peeking out of their shells but have been known to leave them whenever they are hit hard enough.

Arrowheads are the crustacean monsters that largely resemble lobsters with a prominent head and scorpion-like tail. They can usually be raised from the start of the games and are a good choice for beginners because of their high defense and life stats. They attack with water and crushing blows involving their large claws and some types of Arrowheads have poisonous stingers that can paralyze victims. 

Bajarl are djinn-like monsters that attack with smoke and magic. Bajarl monsters can go from small and shrimpy to huge and muscular by virtue of their magical forms. 

Much like a cross between a hippopotamus and a dog. Bakus are obtained only after expanding the barn to accommodate their large size. Although Bakus have a sleepy or bored expression, they are known for great physical strength and size. Offensively, they rely on directly damaging physical attacks such as body slams and bites. Bakus also have the ability to heal themselves by simply taking a long nap. 

Gaboos are yellow clay with ball face that can extend muscle-bound arms from both sides of their body. They have an exceedingly long reach and rely on physical attacks such as punching and slapping. 

Hoppers are small monsters resembling sugar gliders, bush babies, or lemurs. These energetic monsters are normally seen hopping or digging around the ranch. They rely on boxing moves, and have a lot of accuracy but fairly weak.

Not to be confused with Jell, the Jill creatures resemble large white-haired yetis. They have an affinity for snow and ice and usually live in villages in the mountains. Their techniques are similar to Golems, using kicks, slaps, and body slams. They can also use ice-based techniques like "Snowstorm" and "Cold Breath." 

Joker is a Grim Reaper-like monster that wears a cloak and an evil clown mask and also carries an oversized scythe as a weapon. It appears to have no body. They are described as "the embodiment of death," by the people. Jokers are usually one of the hardest monsters to acquire because of their power and unpredictablilty. 

Katos are small cat monsters that look very old. Although not very strong in power, their intelligence and accuracy are very high. Katos also like to drink oil and smoke a pipe. They have the power to breath fire after they drink their bottle of oil which is actually sake in the Japanese version. They also use attacks involving their long, razor sharp claws. 

These monsters resemble alien-like robots with bodies shaped like flying saucers and faces resembling kachina dolls. They are rumored to have come from outer space and are obtainable after a few special cutscenes at night where strange lights are seen followed by a crash on the horizon. Being extraterrestrial in nature, their attacks are often strange and eccentric. They excel at accuracy and defense, have the fastest guts regain but suffer low stats in other areas. 

Mocks resemble old dying oak trees with sinister faces carved into them. Mocks are one of the more challenging monsters to train. While they are gifted in intelligence, they do not fare so well when it comes to the rest of their stats. However, they make up for it by having the longest lifespan and sticking around long enough to learn new techniques and up their poor stats. They don't have much variation in their attacks either but they do have a few intelligence-based moves that can wither the opponents' guts while causing serious damage. 

Niton is a snail monster wearing a nautilus-like shell. Even though they are technically aquatic, Nitons can live out of water for several years. Nitons mostly use their shells for protection but they also assist them in some of their attacks. They have powerful electricity-based techniques which they can channel through their tentacles. 

Undines are water spirits that resemble mermaids. They are water elementals with very high intelligence but very low energy especially when separated from the water. In order to get an Undine, a hopper must be raised to B rank. It will then dig up a hot spring and find a tablet that can create an Undine when combined. 

Wrackys are red-haired wooden dolls wielding razor blades. They are known for their stabbing and slashing techniques and Wrackys are said to be one of the most dangerous and violent monsters. Wracky has the longest lifespan out of any monster but it makes up for it at the expense of having really low starting stats and generally being hard to train due to its ill-tempered nature.

Zuums are raptor monsters that are easily domesticated and are often used in place of horses in the Monster Rancher world. They are considered cousins to the popular Dino species and love to play. Their attacks are similar to Dinos, using their tails, flames out of mouth, and quick combo moves using the legs, tail, or both. 

Gitans resemble small floating purple demons with long ears and tails that end in spines. They usually use a pitchfork or spear when fighting as well as their fangs. Some of their attacks are based on magic and some on fire. They are known for purposely getting themselves into trouble but it never works they way they intend it to. 

Mogis are monsters that appear to be a fusion between a dog and a mole and they have large drills on their heads that resemble hats or turbans. Mogis have a sense of rhythm that makes them fun as companions and their break dance moves can double as powerful attacks in battle. Some of their techniques involve the drill on their head and some involve them digging underground. 

The Raiden species are creatures that resemble humanoid birds that stand nearly 6 feet tall. They are masters of the martial arts, and most of their attacks feature kicks, chops, or punches. 

Zans are tall, black-shelled humanoids with appendages on their backs that resemble the arms of a praying mantis. They are merciless battle machines created by ancient science and they say Zans are even more intelligent than humans are. They attack using the claws extending from their backs and also make good use of their baffling speed. They are usually very hard to raise. 

It resembles an orange octopus with the addition of huge puppy-dog eyes. It has two body cavities instead of one. It also has four tentacles on the lower cavity and two longer ones that stem from its head that they generally use to grasp things. They also have an antenna that they use for underwater sonar. 

Psirollers are monsters resembling rhinos riding on large wheels that they use to attack. Due to this wheel, they can move at high speeds and have very quick and powerful techniques like "Drift," "0 to 60," and "Mega Roller." Even though they are on this roller most of the time, there are a few times when they do get off of them although they hobble quite a bit because their back legs are much smaller than the front ones. 

Suzurins are doll-like monsters that are shaped like bells. While they don't have any outstanding stats, their defense or intelligence stats tend to be their best. Suzurins weren't mentioned much because their attacks were rather poor and the ones that did noticeable damage had abysmal accuracy rates. 

The Ripper is a quick, skunk-like monster that stands upright with a sharp, powerful look. Rippers have sharp sickles on thier arms that they use in battle and they are known to have keen accuracy and high speed. Like the mythical kamaitachi, they are able to control wind and ice and combine them to create strong attacks like their "Mute Cutter" and "Ice Pillar" techniques. They can jump very high and use their tails to slash opponents, distracting them until their claws can do damage. 

Antlan resembles a cross between an ant and a stag beetle and uses ninja-like skills and attacks. They also have the ability to make certain parts of their bodies mainly their antlers and their tails grow in size. They are mainly known in the games for doing right of living to ensure justice. 

Garus are small lion monsters known for their high energy as well as their cowardly ways. Their techniques are normally fire-based and are also combined with physical moves like their "Fire Punch" and "Fire Kick" attacks. This would lead one to suspect that Garus are fire-resistant, but it is unsure if this is true.

Apes are monsters which resemble a large ape. Apes are lazy and fairly difficult monsters to raise. They are, however, quite strong and have good life and defense. Offensively, they fight with many strange attacks that include disgusting bodily functions such as farting or nose picking in addition to slapping and throwing bananas as its signature moves. 


  1. I don’t know why, when I see these monsters, suddenly I remember these movies, haha. The characteristic of those monsters’ form looks like the character (whether minor or mayor) or things in these movies. Check it out. :D

    Ape [Planet of Apes]
    Dino [Jurassic Park: The Lost World]
    Dragon [Eragon]
    Gali [Apocalypto]
    Ghost [Casper]
    Golem [Hell Boy II: The Golden Army]
    Hare [Bugs Bunny – A Wild Hare]
    Henger [Iron Man]
    Jell [X-Men] [She must be a Mutant lol]
    Mew [Tokyo Mew Mew] [Anime]
    Monol [10.000 BC]
    Naga [Perkawinan Nyi Blorong] [Indonesian –jadul- Movie, lol]
    Pixie [Van Helsing] [She looks like female vampire]
    Plant [Anacondas: The hunt of the Blood Orchid]
    Suezo [MIB] [No doubt, Suezi is Alien, lol]
    Tiger [Underworld] [His name is Tiger but he is a wolf, confusing, hehe]
    Worm [Tremors]
    Arrowhead [Spongebob Squarepant]
    Bajarl [Aladdin]
    Baku [Shrek] [Coz he looks like donkey]
    Beaclon [A Bug’s Life]
    Centaur [The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe]
    Color Pandora [Alice in Wonderland]
    Ducken [Black Swan and Swan Lake]
    Durahan [Percy Jackson and The Lightning Thief] [Just because he wears armor]
    Gaboo [Angry Bird] [Ok that’s a game not movie, haha]
    Hopper [Avatar Aang]
    Jill [The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor]
    Joker [Batman and Death Note, lol]
    Kato [no picture available]
    Metalner [Power Rangers] [He must be brother of Alpha, ay yay yay]
    Mocchi [Donald Duck]
    Mock [Lord of the Rings]
    Nitton [Turbo]
    Phoenix [Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets]
    Undine [Pirates of Caribbean: On Stranger Tides]
    Wracky [Pinokio]
    Zilla [Godzilla]
    Zuum [Jurassic Park III]
    Gitan [no picture available]
    Lesione [Loch Ness]
    Mogi [Air Bud]
    Ogyo [Free Willy]
    Raiden [Kungfu Panda]
    Zan [Alien]
    Octopee [CR7] [Chow Yun Fat’s movie]
    Pancho [Halloween]
    Psiroller [God Must be Crazy]
    Suzurin [Jaelangkung]
    Ripper [Kangaroo Jack]
    Antlan [Antz]
    Garu [Sun Go Kong alias film Kera Sakti, haha]

    1. wow..a great info Darl :)
      let's write a new thread using it.:)

  2. Thank you very much. You can check other posts as well. It's all about anime.


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