6 Digimon Partners In Digimon Adventure 02

The next generation of DigiDestined has Digimon as partners who are the powerful creatures in Digital World. When a Digimon is partnered to a DigiDestined, that child becomes its sole source of Digivolution. Here is the list of 8 Digimon Partners in Digimon Adventure 02:

Veemon is a blue dragon-like Digimon and Davis' partner. Veemon can use the Digi-Eggs of Courage, Friendship, and Miracles to armor digivolve, but he eventually learns to digivolve naturally into dragon-type forms. Additional forms not seen in the show include Sagittarimon, where Veemon uses the Digi-Egg of Hope to armor digivolve into in the drama CD Michi he no Armor Shinka. His other forms are Chibimon (Baby), DemiVeemon (In-Training), Flamedramon (Armor), Raidramon (Armor), Magnamon (Armor), and ExVeemon (Champion). Also, he can DNA Digivolve into Paildramon (Ultimate) with Stingmon. Paildramon is able to digivolve further into Imperialdramon: Dragon Mode (Mega) and change its mode into Imperialdramon: Fighter Mode (Mega). Eventually, after acquiring Omnimon's power, Imperialdramon: Fighter Mode assumes his ultra-form Imperialdramon: Paladin Mode.

Hawkmon is a hawk-like Digimon and Yolei's partner. Compared to Yolei, he is down-to-earth and helps her stay grounded. Hawkmon can use the Digi-Eggs of Love and Sincerity to armor digivolve, but he eventually learns to digivolve naturally into hawk-type forms. Additional forms not seen in the show include Rinkmon, where Hawkmon uses the Digi-Egg of Friendship to armor digivolve into in the drama CD Michi he no Armor Shinka. His other forms are Pururumon (Baby), Poromon (In-Training), Halsemon (Armor), Shurimon (Armor), and Aquilamon (Champion). He can also DNA Digivolve into Silphymon (Ultimate) with Gatomon.

Armadillomon is an armadillo-like Digimon and Cody's partner. He has a laid-back personality and speaks with a Nagoya dialect, usually ending his sentences with "da gya." His easygoing nature is a sharp contrast to Cody's serious personality. Armadillomon can use the Digi-Eggs of Knowledge and Reliability to armor digivolve, but he eventually learns to digivolve naturally into Ankylomon. Additional forms not seen in the show include Pteramon, where Armadillomon uses the Digi-Egg of Love to armor digivolve into in the drama CD Michi he no Armor Shinka. His other forms are Tsubumon (Baby), Upamon (In-Training), Digmon (Armor), Submarimon (Armor), and Ankylomon (Champion). He can also DNA Digivolve into Shakkoumon (Ultimate) with Angemon.

Wormmon is a caterpillar Digimon and Ken's partner. He possesses the ability to crawl and generates silk from his mouth. When Ken becomes the Digimon Emperor, Wormmon stays by his side hoping that he will return to his normal self. Realizing Ken has lost sight of himself, Wormmon sacrifices himself to allow Magnamon to destroy Kimeramon. He is later reincarnated at Primary Village and meets a reformed Ken. Additional forms not seen in the show include Bucchiemon, where Wormmon uses the Digi-Egg of Kindness to armor digivolve into in the drama CD Michi he no Armor Shinka. His other forms are Leafmon (Baby), Minomon (In-Training), and Stingmon (Champion). Also, he can DNA Digivolve into Paildramon (Ultimate) with ExVeemon. Paildramon is able to digivolve further into Imperialdramon: Dragon Mode (Mega) and change its mode into Imperialdramon: Fighter Mode (Mega). Eventually, after acquiring Omnimon's power, Imperialdramon: Fighter Mode assumes his ultra-form Imperialdramon: Paladin Mode.

Patamon is a pudgy guinea pig Digimon with bat wing ears and Takeru's partner. Due to Takeru's young age in Adventure, initially he is the last to digivolve into higher forms. In Adventure, he sacrifices himself to defeat Devimon, recomposing into a Digi-Egg afterwards. Because of this, Takeru is sometimes reluctant to let him fight. Patamon has the ability to digivolve into angelic-type forms with light-based attacks. His other forms are Poyomon (Baby), Tokomon (In-Training), Angemon (Champion), Magna Angemon (Ultimate), and Seraphimon (Mega). He also has Armor Digivolve (Pegasusmon). And when in Angemon form, he can DNA Digivolve into Shakkoumon (Ultimate) with Ankylomon.

Gatomon is an exalted beast Digimon in the form of a bipedal cat and Hikari's partner. She wears a special ring on her tail that gives her extra strength and prevents dark energy from spreading. Unlike the others, she is a Champion-level Digimon and displays a more mature behavior due to her complicated past. Gatomon has the ability to digivolve into angelic-type forms with light-based attacks. Her other forms are Yukimi Botamon (Baby), Nyaromon (In-Training), Salamon (Rookie), Angewomon (Ultimate), and Magnadramon (Mega). She also has Armor Digivolve (Nefertimon) and can DNA Digivolve into Silphymon (Ultimate) with Aquilamon.


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