The Freedom Fighters In Avatar

A group of kids who do what they can to fight the Fire Nation. Planning their attacks from a secret treetop hideout, these kids are very skilled woodsmen who communicate with bird calls to avoid detection. Ever since the Fire Nation took over a nearby town, the freedom fighters have been cutting off Fire Nation supply lines and using all available means to sabotage their occupation. Here is the list of its members:

The inspirational leader of the freedom fighters and an amazing warrior. Jet is young, handsome and smooth-talking, but he’s also a misdirected teenager who often goes too far. Jet’s parents were killed by the Fire Nation when he was eight, and since then his vengeance has driven him to extreme lengths to defeat the Fire Nation. His willingness to sacrifice human lives to score a victory against the Fire Nation is directly opposed to Aang’s respect for all life. This is also Jet’s tragic flaw. He is an expert fighter with hook swords.

The Duke 
He is the smallest member of the group, about eight years old. Jet found the Duke while he was trying to steal their food. According to Jet, the Duke “never really had a home,” indicating he too was probably orphaned because of the Fire Nation.

He plays the role of scout in Jet’s freedom fighters. It is Sneers’ job to watch for approaching Fire Soldiers and sound the birdcall when they are spotted.

He is the largest member of the freedom fighters and can eat a lot. Though he is not the brightest, his brute strength comes in handy in a fight, and he is remarkably agile for his size.

Smellerbee is a girl who ran away from home when the Fire Nation seized her parents’ land. She found a new family in Jet’s rebels, and has taken up the responsibility of looking after the Duke.

A young rebel skilled with a bow and arrow. The Fire Nation burned down his town and left him homeless. Ever since then, he does not speak much and spends his time perfecting his archery skills.


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